Spirometers, Krogh and Tissot, 1932, System for measuring CO2 Response.


From Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, May 21, 1932, page 2465. “Oorspronkelijke Stukken. Bewusteloosheir, schijndood en hun behandeling met de inademing van Koolzuur-Zurrstofmengsels” by Dr. G C E Burger and Dr. M H Tromp.

Diagram of a breathing system containing two Krogh spirometers (one with soda lime CO2 absorbant, one without) and a Tissot spirometer.  Designed to measure tidal and minute ventilation while breathing different levels of CO2 up to 10 percent.


Spirometer, Schnepf, 1856


From Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences, December 1856, page 1047. “Note sur un spirometre d’une sensibilite’ et d’une simplicite’ extremes par M.B. Schnepf”.

The spirometer bell was described as 35 cm high and 18 cm in diameter, the base cylinder was described as 30 cm high and 16 cm in diameter. The breathing tube was 15 mm in diameter.  Note that the chain varied in width (and therefore weight) along its length.  This was designed to vary the counter weight used to suspend the bell according to its depth in the water.