Category Archives: Photograph

Spirometer, National Cylinder Gas Pulmonary Function Indicator, 1974


National Cylinder Gas (division of Chemtron) Pulmonary Function Indicator, 1974.  Used a hot-wire transducer to measure gas flow.

From: Burton RM, Kozel WM, Penley RP, Ward GH, Chapman RS.  Application and evaluation of portable field instruments for measuring Forced Expiratory Volume of children and adults in environmental health surveys.  Environmental Health Perspectives, 1974; 8: 123-131.  Page 125.

Oxygen Analyzer, Beckman Model D, circa 1970’s


Paramagnetic oxygen analyzer.  Mechanism was a glass dumbbell suspended by a glass thread between the poles of a magnet.  The amount by which the dumbbell rotated depended on the amount of oxygen in the sample chamber.  A light reflected off a mirror attached to the dumbbell and showed up as a light spot on the front panel display. The black bulb in the rear was used to pull a gas sample into the analyzer. Photo is courtesy of Jim Sullivan, Supervisor, Pulmonary Diagnostic Laboratories at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.