Equipment is not detecting glottal closure and cough

In my last blog on personal spirometers I mentioned that one of the university projects has developed software that assesses spirometry results for ATS-ERS standard including cough, glottal closure and early termination of exhalation. The specific project that claimed this also claimed to have attained a 70% detection rate using waveforms from the NHANESIII study. This should be taken as a challenge by the pulmonary function equipment manufacturers to improve their existing software.

The test systems I am familiar with are pretty much limited to being able to determine back-extrapolation and whether end-expiratory flow rates meet ATS-ERS end-of-test criteria. So far they have not attempted to assess spirometry efforts for the cough or glottal closure that are also part of the ATS-ERS criteria for test quality. Here is a good example of glottal closure:

Early pause affecting FEV1

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