Tag Archives: Regnualt

Respiration Apparatus, Regnault and Reiset, 1887


From Treatise on human physiology by Henry Cadwalader Chapman, Published by Lea Brothers & Co, 1887, page 443.

“Within the tabulated bell-jar A, immersed in the cylinder of water B, is placed a little animal, a dog, for example, the subject of the experiment.  The animal having been introduced from below, and the opening hermetically closed, the large pipettes G G, filled with a solution of potash or soda of known strength and quantity, and communicating with each other by a caoutchouc tube, absorb and measure the CO2 exhaled unto the air of the jar A, the air being drawn alternately into the pipettes G G through their elevation and depression by hand of some simple mechanical arrangement.  According as the oxygen is absorbed by the animal, the gas pressure falls in A, and consequently the oxygen of the balloon N, under the pressure of the calcium chloride solution in P, flows through M, replacing that lost in A.”