Spirometer, CPI Model 200, 1974


CardioPulmonary Instruments (CPI) Model 200.  Horizontal rolling seal spirometer.  Shown with a EPA-designed timer.

From: Burton RM, Kozel WM, Penley RP, Ward GH, Chapman RS.  Application and evaluation of portable field instruments for measuring Forced Expiratory Volume of children and adults in environmental health surveys.  Environmental Health Perspectives, 1974; 8: 123-131.  Page 126.

Spirometer, National Cylinder Gas Pulmonary Function Indicator, 1974


National Cylinder Gas (division of Chemtron) Pulmonary Function Indicator, 1974.  Used a hot-wire transducer to measure gas flow.

From: Burton RM, Kozel WM, Penley RP, Ward GH, Chapman RS.  Application and evaluation of portable field instruments for measuring Forced Expiratory Volume of children and adults in environmental health surveys.  Environmental Health Perspectives, 1974; 8: 123-131.  Page 125.

Spirometer, Spalding’s, 1901


From: A manual for physical measurements for use in normal schools: public and preparatory schools, boys’ clubs, girls’ clubs, and young men’s Christian associations, with anthropometric tables for each height of each age and sex from five to twenty years, and vitality coefficients, by William Walter Hastings, Phd.  Published by the International Young Men’s Christian Association Training School, 1901. page 18.

“The pupil, after loosening the clothing about the chest and taking a full inspiration, filling the lungs completely, should blow steadily into the spirometer until all the air possible has been expelled from the lungs.  Two or three trials may be allowed.”